
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Living Billboard

To kick off the 2009 organ donation drive, we will be creating a living, breathing representation of the organ transplant waiting list on a billboard in Columbia, S.C. The creative execution is based around a simple national statistic:

Every 11 minutes another person is added to the organ transplant waiting list.

To illustrate this fact, we will be adding the names of people on the transplant waiting list to a billboard in Columbia, S.C. On January 14th, a man on the outdoor board will physically add one real name to the billboard in 11-minute increments to draw attention to the startling statistic, as well as create a sense of urgency to encourage people to become registered organ and tissue donors. After the board is filled with names, we will replace the list with another vinyl indicating the statistic and where to register.

This outdoor execution is just a small part of a larger integrated campaign we’re producing that includes television, radio, print, additional outdoor, guerilla and a microsite. We’ve also partnered with the SCDMV to brand the organ donation symbol that will appear on driver’s licenses.

Stay tuned. We’ll post pictures of the Living Billboard once it goes up. Keep your fingers crossed. We’re hoping local news outlets will pick up the story to get the word out there even more.


Nancy Bommer said...

Seeing the Living Billboard with the names of those in need of a transplant was so moving today following the kickoff of the "Every 11 Minutes project." Being a recipient of two corneas myself, this simply reinforces the importance of educating those who have not yet become an organ donor of how very important it is to become willing and make sure to add their names to the South Carolina Donor Registry through their local SC Department of Motor Vehicle Office or register online through www.every11minutes.com
Nancy Bommer - Wagener, SC

VickieLynn said...

The Living Billboard was an awesome event to witness; to see names being added every 11 minutes. I was happy to add my name to the online donor registry yesterday!~

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about this project! My dad has had two kidney transplants, the second one coming from me. Three years later and ALL kidneys are functioning great! It was so much easier than I could have ever thought. This experience has made me more aware of organ donotaion in general and how so many people could benefit in so many, many different ways. Education is the key!